Thursday, October 19, 2006

We finally Arrived!

We are here!

The trip up on Monday was a bear. The truck was overloaded and it took us forever to get here. Joe did a great job driving the truck, everything made it in one piece. We didn't arrive till 3am tuesday morning, then we had to get up early to unload the truck. Unloading the truck sucked because it rained all day. I can't believe we didn't break any bones slipping and sliding on the moving truck ramp. The piano was the hardest to get off the truck, but we did it. We finished unloading the truck at about 7pm. What a day!!!

The pictures above are of Carol & Stephanies place. Isn't it nice. We're staying here till we find a house. Well gotta go into town for banking and stuff.(into town-isn't that quaint.) I'll try to update this thing as often as I can. We can't use our cell phones or internet on our computer so we have to use the girls equipment. So please be patient.

Thank you to everyone who helped us move. We couldn't have done it without you.

Talk to you soon!


Darren & Joe


At 9:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you made it safetly, tell the girls their house looks great!! I'm jealous of your autumn colors......keep us updated!


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